THE RINGLEADER OF ALL THE FUN | Lauren Street, 1 minute, 5 seconds, colour, stop-frame animation, University of East London 2016
​Stuart and Kate from Essex speak about his working life.
Stuart: I wanted to be a driving instructor as well, but I didn’t follow that through
Kate: Nobody would have passed and they would have been going
Stuart: and I did apply for John Lewis, but they didn’t accept me (laughing). I was well pissed off after that. They said I wasn’t of the right calibre. So I picked up a chair, threw it out of a window and walked out!
(both laugh)
Kate: No, you’ve only worked at Sainsbury's. That is weird.
Stuart: and I’m sort of usually the ringleader of all the fun
Kate (burst out laughing): You mean you're the one being bullied
Stuart: Youve got fiddler
Kate: ugh
Stuart: He fiddles
Kate burst out laughing
Stuart: ..the paperwork! so he gets the best jobs
Stuart: Thirty-seven years, I've worked there now
Kate: Thirty-seven years?
Stuart: Oh, there's an echo, is there?
Kate: Wish you were at work today
Stuart: So do I
Kate: Well do us all a favour...
Stuart: Have a banter with Fiddle