ALL MINE Agatha Angielska, 1 minute, 22 seconds, B&W animation, University of East London 2016
Security guard Colin Higgins speaks about how he has to hustle. After all, he has ten children to take care of.
My life...I will tell you about my life. Many gonna hurt. It might hurt you and it will hurt a lot of other people. Yeah? So, my life is… something i have to keep it to myself. My life is...a life that goes all around.
Ten kids. Seven different baby mums. Mines them be, they're still mines, even though some of them walk and get married, they're still mines. I love them so... much. You understand if I could have all the woman in the world for myself, I would keep all of them for myself. Some people say I am a womaniser and I'm a this and that, but no, I love a lot of woman, I love them.
That’s why I have so much kids, plenty of in-laws, a big family, oh, I would like it to be bigger, but right now the whole things getting now expensive and getting a bit... you know so, I just cut it short. Ten is enough for now.
You know?
I'm there, that's why I'm hustling man. I’m hustling there to make sure they are alright, but I’m fine. I’m a happy... I’m a happy, blessed, loving person.