LIFESTYLE Najette Chouchane 1 minute, 20 seconds, 2D hand drawn animation, colour, University of East London 2018
Amelia Chochane dreams of life near nature.
A big part of the home that I want to create, is a home where people feel very free. I think it’s important that home is very much connected with nature. I would want to have a really big garden… or we go to the park a lot or even… what I would really love is that we’d have chickens in the back yard. And we grow our own eggs, and we get really in touch with nature, kind of make that part of our lifestyle somehow, umm and also use very natural products in our cooking…and have lots of plants in the house. Grow herbs in the garden as well.
Oh, my goodness… I would love to be completely surrounded by the forest or the nature, and palm trees… where you kind of live in kind of like a wooden house, be next to the sea, have this beautiful hot weather all the time. And… yeah go surfing in the ocean, not that I’ve been surfing before, but I just think I would love surfing and… yeah! maybe some dancing (laughing).