IRENE | Miles Fleet, 1 minute, 47 seconds, 2D hand-drawn animation, colour, University of East London 2016
Irene Zedda talks about what it is like to move to London and become part of it.
​London is hard… is really hard, because, because it’s really busy and sometimes, even with the fact that we live in city where there are more than 9 million people, sometimes you feel like you are just a number and you’re not that important.
I remember the first day I need to go to Primark to buy a white shirt because I was starting to work in pub, and I found myself in this massive Primark, with a lot, a lot of people. I know that I just need to buy a shirt, but I don’t know where I am, and now for me, it’s ridiculous because I go, I go there almost every week, and it’s even a small Primark.
If you’re…If you’re feeling like you’re just a number in a… in a really big city you need to make yourself count. You need to become part of the puzzle.
The best, best place is when I’ve been um… to a restaurant in the top of the in the shard. You see all… the whole London from there, and Tower Bridge seemed really, really little from there.